How To Grow Your Spiritual Business Online

Susanne Grant
7 min readJun 1, 2019
Picture from Pixabay

You’ve decided to take the plunge and grow your spiritual business online. Congratulations! But where do you begin?

For many of us spiritual business owners, our passions lie in what we do; whether you’re a spiritual life coach, a healer, yoga teacher, kinesiologist, tarot card reader or medium; or whether you do something outside of this.

This means it’s often hard for us to fully embrace living and breathing the inner workings of the business world.

But even though we’re spiritual beings having a human experience, we still have to put food on the tables for ourselves and our loved ones which means charging for your unique gifts appropriately!

You have to start owning your power, claiming your voice and start sharing the message you are here to share with this world! And with that, you step into the success you deserve. When your foundations are solid, you have more room to dance and heal and help others the way you were born to do, and get financially compensated!

The truth is, anyone can start a business nowadays. But to do it properly, in a way that will sustain you long term, you need to create a business that both serve you and your clients.

It’s easy to stray from your purpose when you feel stuck in all the ‘shoulds’. That’s why I’ve pulled together this quick guide on how to grow your spiritual business online so that you can succeed fast by working smarter, not harder, and learning and growing along the way.

Grow Your Spiritual Business #1: Design high-value packages

By laying solid foundations in your business from the start, you can save precious time and succeed more quickly. How do you do this?

Accept that are allowed to use the support and guidance from around you. Whether that is your spirit guide, the law of attraction or stellar business coaches: you do NOT need to do it all by yourself.

When you allow yourself to be supported, not only will you make build a business that is sustainable for your own health (how many burned-out coaches do you know? Me? A lot), you will also be able to implement advanced strategy and structures to manage your growing business.

As Denise Duffield-Thomas, Money Mindset Mentor for Female Entrepreneurs, writes in her book Chillpreneur; “You cannot be the ploughing horse and the show pony”. You have to allow yourself to be supported, both by the divine and the structures within your business.

If you are doing your admin, marketing, design, helpdesk & customer service AND have to hold space within healing sessions you will burn yourself out long term.

That brings me to my tip number 1 on how you can grow your spiritual online business with ease. You need to create a high-value 1:1 offer with your best work. This is NOT about slapping a lame high price on a lousy offer. It really is about showing off your best work, in the most beautiful and lush way which will TRANSFORM your client’s life!

Imagine your client who is struggling in life with problem X:

She comes across your beautiful work and you will guide her for the next 90 days to completely transform her habits by sharing your sacred wisdom, knowledge, gifts and skills. In 90 days, you will hold her space as she blossoms into the woman she knows she can be. You will do a number of transformational sessions/calls with her in this time period and she can reach out if needed. On top of that, you will do weekly check-ins to make sure she is ok and is not experiencing what is known as a healing crisis!

How amazing does that sound? Right? By doing this, you can succeed fast and rise into riches.

Grow Your Spiritual Business #2: Create a group (program) to maximise your efforts

You can only work so many hours per week, so tip number 2 is to separate group work from your work with individuals. I noticed time and time again, that my clients were going through the same energetic upgrade (as we all go through the same things here on planet earth); it just showed itself differently in their lives.

Do you find yourself giving the same lessons time and time again? Is it possible to start recording your wisdom and share this? Create a space where you can record your videos/audios/ebooks/etc so you don’t have to repeat yourself and you can save time. This might be a private Facebook group, web portal or Youtube channel where you can create an additional (video) content library.

Nothing can ever replace that one on one time with your clients, and many of your clients will still want a personalized approach so they can harness your inner power and divine wisdom. But if you can create a beautiful, self-sufficient community of powerful souls who are on the same life path, you’re not only facilitating something great that is helping people, you’ll have more time too to make a bigger impact!

Grow Your Spiritual Business #3: Own your power, your voice and become (more) visible

Much of the work we do in a spiritual business is deeply personal. You’re not doing some shallow work; you are helping them with deeply personal issues, giving life-changing advice and providing transformational (healing) support.

But you can’t find more clients if you keep hiding your gifts. It can feel really scary at first to share with the world your unique gifts. Maybe your friends and family don’t even know you are spiritual, or would even accept you for it!

However, for clients to come find you need to be visible. So you can connect with your audience and let the world know what is in your heart.

When you step into your power, this is when the magic happens. It will allow your clients to deeply resonate with your divine work and law-of-attraction their way into your life!

Own your expertise, your business and purpose, and step into your fully expressed self. You are powerful and people need you. Believe that. Someone is manifesting you, my dear!

Grow Your Spiritual Business #4: Learn how to call in aligned clients by visualizations and using the Law of Attraction

Our thoughts are much more powerful than we realise. Human beings are highly electrically charged biological entities. The Law of Attraction is the most well-known law in the spiritual world.

Just in case, you never heard of this law before: very simply explains it means that our thoughts emit into our immediate environment, which attracts the same frequencies back to us.

That’s why your number 1 priority should always be HOW YOU FEEL! Take care of yourself, sister. You matter.

By knowing what we truly want and believe it is possible for us; by having specific and measurable goals, we can achieve our true alignment.

Meditation and visualisation is a key tool which will help you achieve success. To do this successfully, when you visualise your success, you need to have a very clear picture in your mind of what it means for you to succeed. Exactly what does that look like? How much money will you make? How many people will you help, and how? Where will your business operate? Get laser lucid clear on your intentions and your frequency.

Close your eyes and imagine your success at least three times a day, being as specific as possible in your visualisations. By embracing these specific dreams and goals, you will eventually be able to manifest your new reality.

The last step is in my eyes, the most important one. You need to LET GO after these visualisations. You need to trust that the divine within, and the universe without, will DELIVER what you desire. Open yourself up to divine guidance and allow things to flow into your life with ease. Stop trying to control the outcome.

Tip #5: Keep Working on Yourself

As your business changes, you change. When you reach the next level, another “devil” will show itself.

Recognise the progress you are making and celebrate the fact you are evolving rather than beating yourself up about it. Things will come up as you are growing your business. That’s just life!

Don’t let a bad review or that single refund request take you of your course. The world needs your gifts!

Final Thoughts

I know this probably sounds like a LOT and can feel really overwhelming, but I swear to you, once you start taking baby steps each day, things will change rapidly. Don’t beat yourself up for not having everything “together”. The exciting part of having your own business is the journey and your own personal growth!

Think back for a minute. What are you doing now in your business/life you wouldn’t even dream about years ago? Let me know below in the comments so we can celebrate your progress together!


Originally published at on June 1, 2019.



Susanne Grant

Susanne Grant is an Award-winning Keynote Speaker & Work-Life Balance Integration Expert