Increase your productivity by 40%!

Susanne Grant
2 min readNov 24, 2020

So many of us are trapped in the “too busy” cycle.

The hustle, the grind, nonstop until you drop mentality.

Does this sound familiar?

You say YES to too many things, you don’t want to be doing, you are creating overwhelm and lack of clarity which will drastically reduce your productivity.

Want to manage your time more effectively? Yes?

In that case, it’s time to take control of to-dos and start working towards what you really want to be doing…

How to increase your productivity?

Increasing your productivity isn’t about slamming more to-do’s on your list and getting it done as fast as you can.

❌ Stress does kill, you know ❌

It’s about becoming mindfully aware of what you are investing your energy in and the ROI you get in return.

Research shows that multitasking is NOT as effective as we believe it to be. As a matter of fact, it makes you at least 40% less productive.

If you want to become as productive as you can be, you need to stop multitasking and get laser lucid clear on where you want to be INVESTING your time in order to have the biggest impact you can have.

My goal for you is to raise your vibration, which will attract aligned opportunities, better health, improved relationships and speed up your vibration even more.

I love to use energetic time-management with my clients. This is where we combine the law of attraction, mindset and intentions to create ALIGNMENT first.

Because when you become fully aligned with your goals, they are much easier to bring forward.

So instead of being busy, you can focus yourself towards your goals energetically.

This will make you 100 times more productive than trying to force things to happen by pure will power.

When you go from the doing mentality to being you will find your alignment will take care of most of your to-do’s. Resulting in your productivity going through the roof!

The rest will be up to taking inspired action.

But more on that, next time.

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to productivity?

I would love to hear from you below.



Susanne Grant

Susanne Grant is an Award-winning Keynote Speaker & Work-Life Balance Integration Expert